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Extraordinary Customer Service Qualifications


  • Beyond Service to Super Service
  • Exceptional Customer Care from the Inside Out
  • Retention Power
  • Mastering Difficult Situations and Complaints
  • Customer Relationship Management


Objectives and Benefits:

The Extraordinary Customer Service Qualifications concerns itself with understanding the role of front-line employees in fostering excellent customer service. It is primarily devoted to provide the participants an opportunity to review basic skills, learn new ones, and begina reflective process which should become part of their daily routine — to think about their values and attitudes regarding their business responsibilities and to assess ways in which they can improve their interpersonal effectiveness and customer service skills.


By attending the Extraordinary Customer Service Qualifications the participant will be able to:

  • Learn some ways to make customer service a team approach.
  • Identify and develop positive work relationships with internal and external clients that are built on trust and integrity.
  • Seek information to understand customers’ needs and develop appropriate solutions.
  • Examine decisions from the perspective of the customer before acting.
  • Responds to the changing needs of the client while maintaining a high standard of quality.
  • Share information with others on the direction of the organization.
  • Effectively address customer issues or complaints.
  • Encourage others to be highly responsive to customer needs.
  • Plan on how to meet needs quickly and effectively.
  • Follow up with customers to make sure needs are being met.
  • Invite customers to participate in social activities to establish better Relationships.